Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayer Request:

For our family and friends who do not know the Kostjuk family (a family from our church back in California), their baby daughter Reese has been in the hospital since she was born. She is about 10 months now and it looks like she will soon be going "home" to be with the Lord. She has serious health problems and has even had a tracheotomy. But, they thought they would be bringing her home with them soon and even moved to a one story house for her. But she took a turn for the worse the other day, the doctors had to revive her and she is now basically on life support. They have decided to take her off her sedatives as she will not be in pain and see if she will be able to be stable on her own or not. If not, they have to make a decision and if they keep her on sedatives, she is unresponsive. They are praying the Lord will make that decision so they do not have to. Please check out their blog under my links, "Kostjuk family" and keep them in your prayers these next few days especially.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man...that is so hard. I will be praying for sure!

Ya'll come back now!!!