Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm a big girl now!

Look at my big girl!!! She went on the potty today for the very first time! Her incentive was these little doggies she really wanted for her little"mouse house" she LOVES to play with. It was soooo cute...I kept telling her all she had to do was "go" in her potty so today she decided she wanted to take off her diaper and REALLY try this time. So, we went about a half hour-45 min. with no diaper and I'm not kidding she kept going to sit on her potty, probably about 15-20 times. We brought it to her room so she could play and Bill was SUPPOSEDLY playing with her (although he was actually trying to nap on her carpet:) while I was cleaning the kitchen. I sent Josh up to check on the "two" of them and he walks in and says "What's that smell in here?" So, sure enough, Bill looks in her potty and THERE IT WAS!!! I hear Josh yell, "She did it!" so we all ran upstairs (yes, this is a very exciting event for the whole family:) She was sooo excited! The first thing out of her mouth (after we all calmed down) was "My doggies!" So, off we went to the toy store (good thing there's one just around the corner:) and here is a pic of the proud "big" girl:


Unknown said...

Way to go Hannah!

Lauren said...

Congrats! That was fast!!! You must be really smart!

Ya'll come back now!!!